Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar announced her endorsement of Senator Barack Obama Sunday, becoming the second female senator to endorse him as the Democratic presidential nominee. She said Senator Obama represents the kind of change she ran on. Senator Klobuchar joins Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, who endorsed Obama in January. Overall, Obama has the support of 13 senators; all superdelegates who could help decide the election. Senator Hillary Clinton also has the support of 13 senators, including six women.
The superdelegates little by little are starting to slip over to Senator Obama’s side as they worry that the long campaign might divide the party and that they need to decide on one candidate, especially since it is mathematically impossible for Senator Clinton to catch up to Senator Obama in the remaining primaries. In another indignity, Pennsylvania Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr., (Senator Clinton’s home turf), who had vowed to remain neutral, joined the Obama bandwagon on Friday.
This gathering momentum has forced the Clintons into Hail Mary arguments, causing even some confidants to wonder about their logic or real aims. Bill Clinton recently pointed out that she was ahead in the popular vote in primaries, as opposed to caucuses — essentially saying she’s ahead in contests she has won (duh). “They’re trying everything, and nothing is sticking,” said a Clinton family adviser. “It is possible she’s trying to leverage all this into a spot on the ticket.”
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