Amid the cheers of supporters, blue signs waving "A Change We Can Believe In" Senator Barack Obama bumped fists with his wife, Michelle, and ... maybe patted her on the butt. It is hardly newsworthy, but it was sweet. I don't know if he patted her butt or not, but I think the "dap" (fist bump) was great. It emphasized their youthfulness and how comfortable they truly are as a couple. I love it! Go Barack & Michelle! My goodness . . . if people are finding this offensive . . . this country is in worse shape than the political scene. Lighten up people and maybe there would not be so many unhappy people and divorces.
Actually his pat was on the small of her back. It was a beautiful gesture of intimacy on a great night for this backwards country. But if he did, who cares!!! If signs of affection between two married people are going to affect the way people vote then the United States is in deeper trouble than I thought. After all, she is HIS wife!!! If a man can't display his feelings about his wife, then he may as well be a dried-up old conservative who treats his wife as if she is a Barbie doll on display.
Wow, we could actually have a couple in the White House who not only seems to really love each other, but actually like each other. How embarrassing; married people showing genuine affection... in public! Oh, I forgot, Washington is used to sex scandals and men who clearly have little interest in their wives, unless the wife is running for office. Gee, it looks like two married people who actually like each other. Imagine that!!!! I guess we're just not used to seeing anything positive any more. Well, there's one more reason for Senator Obama to become president. Maybe he can restore more than hope in this country. Maybe he can restore our humanity.
This is his wife! This is not a White House intern in a blue dress. Wow, you would think they lied their way into a war or something. The Obama’s show of affection is preferable over what John McBush has called his wife with the checkbook in the presence of others. It was a sweet, wonderful moment that spoke volumes about this couple: They love, respect and enjoy one another! And the Tribune has to ask "What WAS this??????" Give me a break - this is news? You would expect this kind of journalism from Fox.
I noticed that fist bump and smiled. It appeared to be a quick glimpse into their relationship and definitely validated my hope that they are in this together. I WANT someone with that kind of healthy relationship running this country! Go Obamas! What a breath of fresh air you will bring to the White House!
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