The Democratic presidential nominee, Senator Barack Obama and his wife Michelle are determined that his bid not disrupt the normal, happy childhood of their daughters, who would be two of the youngest residents of the White House in 30 years if he wins. Amy Carter was 9 when she moved in the White House in 1977. Malia is 10 and Sasha is seven.
The rules in the Obama household for Malia and Sasha are clear-cut:
"No whining, arguing or annoying teasing," said Michelle Obama. “Make the bed. "Doesn't have to look good, just throw the sheet over it."
“Set your own alarm clock. "They get themselves up, get their own clothes," said their grandmother Marian Robinson.
And the allowance from Dad for doing chores is $1 a week. Barack Obama conceded that "I'm out of town for weeks at a time, so Malia will say, 'Hey you owe me for 10 weeks.'"
Malia and Sasha visited the White House in 2005 and were bored until President Bush's dog Barney showed up and they romped with him on the South Lawn, Michelle said.
While the senator is on the road, the Obama girls keep a hectic schedule: soccer, dance and drama for Malia, gymnastics and tap for Sasha, piano and tennis for both. Michelle Obama tries to fit in three 90-minute workouts each week and hits the campaign trail two or three days a week.
"When some folks were attacking Michelle, Malia just asked, 'What was that all about?' and we talked it through," Barack Obama said, adding that it was fortunate that "she's completely confident about her mommy's wonderfulness."
"They have a wonderful life in Chicago," Senator Obama said. "So I'm sure there's a part of them that won't be heartbroken if things don't work out."
The Obamas rarely allow their daughters to be interviewed. After the television show "Access Hollywood" aired a report on the Obama children earlier this month, their father expressed regret for having agreed to it. "I don't think it's healthy and it's something that we'll be avoiding in the future," he later said.
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