Saturday, September 6, 2008

And NOW McBu$h Wants Change Also

Senator John McBu$h promised the delegates who had just chosen him to lead the fight to keep the White House in the hands of their party that he was going to “change”. "We're going to recover the people's trust by standing up again for the values Americans admire. The party of Lincoln, Roosevelt and Reagan is going to get back to basics." He and his newly-minted running-mate both are trying to distance themselves from Bu$h administration and I’m wondering how do you do that while accepting the nomination of their party. Why don’t they declare themselves independents?

Of course, McBu$h had to say this. Dubya Bu$h is a very unpopular president, with an approval rating as low as that of Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon in the midst of the Watergate scandal. And the Republican party has become so riddled with corruption that, at their convention that has been graced with the presence of Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay and others party leaders who have been forced from office under clouds of scandal, McCain felt required to announce that, "I've fought corruption, and it didn't matter if the culprits were Democrats or Republicans." He HAD to "admit mistakes were made" with Dubya and the Republican Congress...or look foolish and put no distance between himself and them. He HAD to SOUND more moderate, after the pandering to the base to get the nomination. And he HAD to throw out some lines that appeal to independents, even Democrats, and know that well, I gave the Hard Righties Palin...that should keep them happy and quiet. And he knows that Rush Limbaugh and Fox News will lavish high praise upon his speech.

The whole anti-Republican Republican hoax might have succeeded, were it not for the fact that McCain's speech was at odds not merely with his own voting record – 90 percent with Bu$h – and his own Bu$h-on-steroids agenda. Even as he was pledging to "change the way government does almost everything," McBu$h announced his commitment to much, much more of the same.

He pledged to maintain endless occupations of distant lands that empty the U.S. Treasury of precious resources that might pay for infrastructure renewal, housing and job creations initiatives for hurting Americans.

He outlined trade and tax policies that would extend, rather than alter a failed economic status quo.

He reintroduced flawed proposals for health care, education and entitlement reforms that Americans have wisely rejected.

And he threatened to achieve "energy independence" by declaring: "We will drill…", "We'll drill…", "More drilling…" Even well known oil people like T. Boone Pickens is declaring that we can not dig our way out of the mess that we are in.

McBu$h’s rhetoric was that of a liberated man declaring his independence from his party's failed president and corrupt Congresses. But his platform was that of Republican candidate who, for all of his talk of reform, offers the crudest continuity to a country that is crying out for change.

Notice McBu$h only mentioned his experience in Congress only a few times while dwelling on his experience as a POW more than 40 times. We appreciate his time as a POW, but that does not qualify you to be president of the U.S.

Maybe John McBu$h WAS considered a 'Maverick'. And at one point maybe he was? But, what in the last eight years (and especially the last nine months) proves to us that he is a maverick? (90% voting record with George Dubya Bu$h?) No! Sponsoring a somewhat practical immigration bill only to declare that he will vote against it after becoming the nominee? No! Being forcefully opposed to any form of torture and then bowing to pressure and allowing Bu$h to 'tweak' the Military Commissions Act so that Bu$h himself defines torture? No!!

I say that John McCain was NEVER a maverick! He is a typical corrupt politician who was bought by Charles Keating and Cindy McCain's father early in his political career. After getting caught up in the Keating 5 thing, he sought out Feingold to save his political career with the McCain-Feingold legislation, which FAILED to get the money out of politics. It failed because McCain fought to establish new loopholes with the 527s, and shift the soft money to political parties. McBu$h's current love affair with lobbyists shows his true Keating 5 colors, and proves he really is more of the same corrupt politics-as-usual rather than the change he wished he could be. (Another “hero” was named in the Keating 5 also – Senator John Glenn). They both were cleared of having acted improperly but were reprimanded by Congress for exercising “poor judgment”.

McCain bucks his party, he is a "maverik!" That's the story line he has ben peddling all year. Then he picks a right-wing extremist to round out his ticket, after his first picks, Joe Lieberman and Tom Ridge, were squashed by the party he supposedly stands up to. Man, you cons are a joke!! turns out that when the chips start to fall, you turn to...God and guns!
After you got your critercized comments that the Senator Barack Obama made about you doing just that.

That change thing is working so good for Senator Obama that Senator McBu$h has decided to jump on it too. But, painting black spots on a pig does NOT make it a dalmatian... even if you can teach it to bark.

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