This is a MUST SEE!! Yes, I know it’s a chick flick but it is great. I didn’t think so when it was over, but the more I thought about it the more I like it. It was really emotional for me – brought back some memories from my childhood. It carries you through all the emotions, happy, sad, anger. It features an all-star cast: Queen Latifah, Alicia Keys, Jennifer Hudson, Sophie Okonedo (Hotel Rwanda), Tristan Wilds (The Wire), Nate Parker (The Great Debaters), and Dakota Fanning.
It's been a while since Gina Prince-Bythewood directed a film ('Love and Basketball' and 'Disappearing Acts'), but this proves that she has not missed a beat. She reminds of that people of different races have more in common, than not even while showing glimpses of the racial tension and violence that existed in the South in the 1960s. The movie is very entertaining and emotional. And the chemistry between the cast translates on screen. And it was produced by Will and Jada Smith.
They say men don't cry but this movie brought tears to my eyes throughout the whole movie. I don't want to give anything away. But I’ll bet those of you who know every line in Love and Basketball and The Five Heartbeats will be watching this one every time it comes on TV too. Definitely Oscar material; the only problem is which one to nominate. Guess I’ll have to read the book. Oh yeah, make sure you take plenty of tissue...
P.S. Please keep Jennifer Hudson in your prayers (mother and brother found dead).
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