Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Obama’s to Use Own Cash to Redecorate White House

The Obama’s are using their own money to redecorate the White House residence and Oval Office, the White House confirms, and not accepting the $100,000 in federal funds that is traditionally allotted to new presidents for such renovation projects.
The first couple — who made well over $2 million in 2008, largely from book revenues — is also turning down money from the White House Historical Association, the organization that financed a $74,000 set of china for the Bushes.

New presidents have traditionally undertaken extensive redecoration efforts to their personal quarters to reflect their own tastes, with a new Oval Office rug tradition ringing in as the priciest item. Former President George W. Bush spent over $60,000 on a new cream carpet designed by former First Lady Laura Bush in 2000 to replace the deep blue rug that covered the space during former President Bill Clinton’s administration. White House aides have said the president likes the Bush rug, and does not plan to replace it.

The decision to forgo federal funds is the president's latest belt-tightening move amid the sagging economy and widespread outrage over corporate excesses. Last month President Obama put an order on hold for a fleet of new helicopters, which was ordered by the Bush Administration, which will cost at least $11 billion.

In January, the Obama’s tapped high-profile interior designer Michael Smith to spearhead the project. Mr. Smith said affordability would be one of the "guiding principles." Other principles in the Obama’s redecoration will include the family's casual style and their interest in bringing 20th Century American artists to the forefront.

The White House needs to look like the home of the leader of the Free World. We should all be proud of it. After all it is the people’s house. Using their own earned money is a great gesture. I love how much personal responsibility the Obama’s are taking. They plan to make the White House more open to the public during their stay.

That is a pretty good-looking Oval Office rug. I would probably want to keep it, too. Nice job First Lady Laura! I find it hilarious President Bush wanting to change the Clinton rug. After what went on in that room I would want to change it too.

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