Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday he no longer views Colin Powell as a Republican. Cheney was appearing on “Face the Nation” and was asked about a dispute between Powell, who was secretary of state in the Bush/Chaney administration, and radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh over the role each plays in the Republican Party.
"My take on it was Colin had already left the party," Cheney said. "I didn't know he was still a Republican." The former vice president noted that Powell endorsed then-Senator Barack Obama in last year's presidential race. "I assume that that's some indication of his loyalty and his interests," Cheney said.
Colin Powell, in a speech last week, said "the Republican Party is in deep trouble" and said the party would be better off without Limbaugh. Limbaugh fired back on his program Wednesday, saying, "What Colin Powell needs to do is close the loop and become a Democrat instead of claiming to be a Republican interested in reforming the Republican Party."
Cheney and Limbaugh are in essence telling Powell that he needs to get back to the back of the bus and sit down like a good "boy" or get off. You're either with us or against us, you believe exactly what we believe or you're not included. Independent thought is not allowed. They are saying let’s distance ourselves from the man with one of the longest and most distinguished military and cabinet-level service records in U.S. history.
Some things never change in the “Good Old Boy Club”, if you don't agree with them you are not an American or patriotic. Retired General Colin Powell served his country in and out of uniform with integrity and honesty. Colin Powell should take it as a great compliment that both Rush and Dick don't want him in their clubhouse anymore.
So Joe Lieberman was a patriot who put country ahead of party when he endorsed John McCain but there are different rules for Colin Powell. Thanks for clearing that up, Mr. Cheney.
Let's see now, who should we listen to; someone who when he had the chance to serve asked for and received 5 deferments from military service in Vietnam but was perfectly willing to spend other peoples' blood; Or, a genuine war hero with the integrity and nerve to acknowledge when something is wrong. Colin Powell is an American first and a Republican second. He has always demonstrated his loyalty to the flag and ideals of this country. People such as draft dodgers and drug addicts have a difficult time with that concept.
Maybe he should leave the party that has robbed this country blind. Leave it to the Alan Keyes, Sarah Palins, Joe the not really plumbers, Rush Limbaughs, stuck in the 50's party when Blacks and women "knew their place".
Tricky Dick 2 should be happy he is not on trial as the traitor who engineered the war in Iraq, instigated and thwarted our laws to torture. Halliburton with Tricky Dick 2's endorsement have robbed U.S. tax payers of billions and now wants to move their headquarters to Dubai to keep from paying any taxes. Tricky Dick 2, one of the leaders of the party of war profiteers and oil profiteers who care about nothing else but their bank accounts. Tricky Dick 2 prefers a drug-addicted radio jock over a 4-star general, former chairman of the joint chiefs and former secretary of state. Tricky Dick 2 clearly puts God and Country behind Halliburton, Saudi Princes & anyone else with BIG MONEY.
In the interview Sunday, Cheney said he believes "there is room for moderates in the Republican Party." (Read: As long as the moderates do exactly what Rush or I say and don't talk back and voice opinions. Otherwise, they're not true Republicans. There is NO room for people with integrity, who have respect for the Constitution, an independent opinion, who disagree with us, who are critical of anything we do, and who don’t care what is right for the country – just say yes to what we do).
And the media is still listening to this arrogant dunta dunt.
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