The All-American Basketball Alliance intends to start its inaugural season in June with teams in 12 cities. Only players that are natural born United States citizens with both parents of Caucasian race are eligible to play in the league. Don "Moose" Lewis, the commissioner of the AABA, said the reasoning behind the league's roster restrictions is not racism. He stated that it will be a league for White players to play fundamental basketball. BORING!
He pointed out dissatisfaction with the way current professional sports are run. Dissatisfaction – try buying a ticket to the NBA All-Star weekend to be held in Dallas next month. The lowest price is $500. I don’t think you will get dissatisfied fans to fork over $500 for the nose bleed seats.
In a free country they should have the right to form any kind of league they want; just don’t expect people to come out and support it. And I’m not talking about 200 to 300 people in a private school gym – because they won’t be playing in any public schools. And get this - the Atlanta-based league, which will operate as a single-entity owning all of its teams, is looking for local contacts to pay $10,000 to become a "licensee" in one of 12 cities throughout the Southeast. What kind of crap are you going to get for $10,000? Mr. Lewis said he has already received threats from people opposed to the roster restrictions and several cities have told him to stay out of town.
The real irony here is that if he really had a problem with the NBA, he should acknowledge that it is owned by a majority of Whites and the rules are written and enforced by Whites. Lewis downplays NBA talent as 'street ball'. In the 1920's Jews dominated basketball on the streets of New York and the semi-pro barnstorming teams. Moose Lewis' words can be read throughout the first half of the 20th century when others referred to Jewish dominance of the game.

The idea of an all White basketball league isn't racist to me; it's the idea of creating an all white basketball league because as Mr. Lewis stated, all black players "play streetball" and will "flip you the bird" and grab their crotches while doing so. if this guy wants to create a league that plays "fundamental" boring basketball then so be it. But the ignorance behind it is the racist part. He also stated that "people of White, American-born citizens are in the minority now." I hate to tell him but the U.S. census begs to differ with him. Black Americans currently make up 12.8% of the population. Furthermore I would love for him to define "White". How are White players going to confirm their "Whiteness"? There are Blacks that look White, Latinos that look White and Whites that look Black. American is a melting pot and it seems to me this guy only wants the potatoes out of this pot. You think he would take an Irish potato?
So let Don "Moose" Lewis create this league that we all know will last for, I don't know, let’s say a week. Good White basketball players will not play because it just sounds, BORING, not challenging and an excuse for the talentless.
The more Moose get's turned down the Angrier, hateful, spiteful, detestably he will become, when all this boils over for him, from many failed attempts and denials from cities and threats (so he says) he is going to use this as wood for a fire to ignite a rally with and for the hate groups who love and feed on this kind of stuff. I wonder if they will have confederate uniforms, or if they will play in their robes without the hoods? We need team names: The Atlanta Supremacists, The Jackson Grand Wizards, The Charleston Real Americans, but certainly not The Birmingham Ballerz.

As a Black man I would like to start an all Black swim league where Blacks can splash around, which is what we like. I mean, do we want to go to a swimming pool and have to worry about swimming really well like White Americans with all their fancy strokes - breast stroke, back stroke, butterfly. We just want to do belly flops and hold onto the sides of the pool. I am looking for a pool not more than 4.5 feet deep to start the league.
I wouldn’t go to see any all white games because quite frankly, I like good basketball.
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