Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Slow News Day? Haters on the Prowl

President-elect Barack Obama is taking a much needed vacation in the beautiful state of Hawaii. I guess there is not much else going on in the world today because a CNN reporter sent in a report. “…the incoming Commander-in-Chief offered to buy a round of drinks for reporters covering his working vacation on the sands of Hawaii's beaches and the greens of its lush golf courses” Halfway through a round of golf on Sunday afternoon, Obama came up to small group of reporters waiting to get more pictures. As if the reporter could read President-elect Obama’s mind, he wrote, “No doubt realizing these might not be the best images at a time of recession, Obama suggested the reporters seek some other recreation to pass the time — rather than snapping so many pics. Obama then told us we should be in the clubhouse at the bar having some beers… Someone asked if he would pick up the tab and he agreed.... He chatted for a moment, telling the reporters to have a beer and put it on his tab.” He went on to say, “but none of the journalists were corrupted by free beer — we pay our own tabs….”

Let me first say that President-elect Obama was elected as President. This whole Commander-in-Chief bit is only a portion of the position. That was a Republican tactic of saying that Barack Obama had no experience to be CIC. When in truth the president has capable military commanders and he consults with them on all military decisions. Lets stop using the title that implies that he’s some sort of elected military commander. Unlike some other countries, mostly small dictator controlled, the U.S. president does not wear a uniform. Ok now that that pet peeve is off my chest.

ONE: This is not news. TWO: "No doubt realizing these might not be the best images at a time of recession…" Let's not put words into his mouth; especially such ridiculous ones. Maybe, just maybe, he wants to be left alone; holiday break with the family and all. THREE: He did not "offer" to buy drinks, according to the reporter’s own text. Obama asked didn’t they have better things to do and a reporter asked Obama to pick up the tab. I heard a few drops of alcohol is a good way to get rid of a leech!

He is not president until noon on January 20th. We have one president at a time and until noon on January 20, 2009 that is George “Dubya” Bush. Who cares if Barack Obama is on vacation? It is a much deserved vacation. Trust me, come Jan. 20, he'll earn his money. His vacation isn't part of policy and it affects no one except him and his family. There are more important things to worry about than someone taking a vacation before starting a really tough job. After the 20th then the spotlight will be on everything he does for four years. He will need to be fresh to take over the really tough job that lies ahead.

The people complaining are the same people who were falling over each other to get an invite to the other candidate's famous barbeques at one of his seven homes. These are the same people that have never challenged Bu$h but know no bounds of questions that they will ask this President-elect Obama. What a bunch of hypocrites. This man deserves a break he is working his tail off.

Family time and relaxation are important and I can't imagine that once he's in office he's going to have a lot of time for either. He can't officially do anything until he's sworn in. And even if he could he can’t fix all this mess in two weeks. After pretty much 2 years of constantly being on the go Barack Obama is enjoying a little break before his inauguration. And he should be able to enjoy an inauguration just as elite or well as the past Presidents. He has been working none stop since after Election Day to be ready to go on day one. He has put a cabinet together in record time, filled with intelligent and QUALIFIED people! He has moved at a better speed than past elected presidents trying to have everything in order by January 20, which gives me the confidence that he'll take action and hit the ground running on day one.

Yes, Mr. President-elect…You deserve your vacation and family time. Get refreshed, get rejuvenated . We all know that come January 20 it going to be "Let's get ready to rumble!!! God Bless the President-elect and God bless the USA.

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