First lady Michelle Obama, who has been called a new fashion icon, will grace the cover of Vogue’s March issue. And she is interviewed in an article inside. The first lady said that first and foremost she wears what she loves. And that is exactly what you should do; wear what makes you happy and what makes you feel comfortable and beautiful. Men and women should feel good about what they wear and have fun with fashion. You do you because in the end, someone will always not like what you wear. Take a second and closely look at your thumb. There is not another one like it on the planet. We are all different and we all have different tastes. The life of a first lady is not easy, you try to raise two kids in a fish bowl, dress impeccably, support your husband's message, and satisfy every armchair critic.
The first lady is quickly building a reputation for spotlighting the work of young, up-and-coming designers with her outfit choices. Her choice of a Jason Wu inauguration ball gown thrust the 26-year-old designer into the spotlight, designer Isabel Toledo also garnered attention because of the ensemble Michelle Obama chose to wear to her husband’s swearing-in, and J. Crew has benefited from the first lady’s attraction for the company’s clothing.
Michelle is a one woman stimulus package! Do you realize how many women are going to the J. Crew stores for Michelle-look-a-like outfits? It’s good for the economy.
Of course she's not going to wear J.C Penney when meeting with dignitaries, but First Lady Obama doesn't insult the American public by wearing ridiculously expensive clothes and jewelry in this economy.
For all of you complaining that she is buying dresses while the economy is tanking: That is one reason why the economy is tanking! We need to be more responsible, of course, but the people hanging on to every penny need to get it circulated. It's a vicious circle! We need to keep the money moving. If we buy a dress, the salesclerk get paid, the store owner gets paid, the factory worker gets paid, and on down the line. First Lady Laura Bush was in Vogue also. But, we did not hear some of the hateful comments then. Oh, I forgot, we have to treat Mrs. Obama differently because she doesn’t bake cookies and has a darker skin pigment.
This is a good distraction for us. Griping and moaning about the economy every minute of everyday is not going to help. Yeah there are more important things but hey even God rested on the seventh day. Maybe we should have told the former first family to not purchase their new 3 million dollar home in Dallas; better yet, tell Rush to give up his new multi-million dollar radio contract. The current president and first family should not stop living because of the economy. They had money before they became the first family.
Years ago, it was very common for a woman to go out of her way every Sunday to put on her best, gloves and hat and men in suit and tie. It didn't matter how poor you were, the purpose was to look good at least for one day. And yes, it was also to look ones best in the Presence of the Lord. To this day I love wearing a long-sleeved heavy starch white shirt and tie...gives me a special feeling.
Michelle Obama is a very attractive woman. Beautiful eyes, fabulous bone structure, with gorgeous skin! She is a woman, who is comfortable with herself. She is definitely not a lolli-pop girl (stick for a body). There is nothing slim about the first lady. She has hips like most women her age. That is why women can relate more to her. They look at her and think I can do me.
One hater said that she’s no Jackie Kennedy. No, she's no Jackie Kennedy; she's Michelle Obama! She is brilliant, beautiful, elegant, classy, intelligent and articulate. First Lady Michelle Obama is such a beautiful person inside and out. She seems to be a great mom and a wonderful wife. I can't wait to see her in Vogue. Vogue is banking on selling a lot of copies of that issue. Hey, I may buy an issue myself (for my wife of course).
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