Let me preface this by saying, I love my wife. She is truly an awesome woman who is intelligent, talented, fine, and, did I say fine? But do I really need a special day to show my affection for her? With all the hype about a down economy, a recession, a depression, here is a thought that will probably not go over too kindly with females. Stop spending your money on diamonds or other expensive gifts for the so-called “Valentine’s Day.”
I personally have never been a fan of this made up “holiday.” (I thought you were supposed to get a day off for a holiday anyway). And no I'm against love and relationships, but I don’t like this sham mainly because the holiday is such a farce. It is not built around a religious event like Christmas or Easter; nor does it have any special meaning to the nation such as Independent’s Day, Memorial Day or Veterans Day. It is nothing more than a commercial con created by retailers who needed a major shopping day between Christmas and Easter in order to give people a reason to spend money.
My wife loves flowers and even she tells me not to buy her flowers during this time because they are so high. Why do I have to fall victim to peer pressure and send her some roses that have tripled or quadrupled in price leading up to February 14? And it better not be anything but roses. We are flooded with newspaper ads, mailings, e-mails and commercials telling us to show her that you love her by buying jewelry or clothing? Your credit card is just starting to see day light from Christmas and now zap, back in the hole again.
Where are all the “go green” people during this time? Million of flowers are killed during this time just so they can sit in water for a few days. Why can’t we give beautiful plants in soil that will last for a long time? And if there are flowers on the desk of other women at work and one woman doesn't get anything, gossipers start whispering as that something is wrong in her relationship. Listen, even if you get the biggest, most expensive bouquet of rose the relationship could still be in trouble.
Oh yeah, retailers know the con game. They give you that look when you buy a lesser priced item. Because they know that most guys are pitiful saps who have ignored their wives or girlfriends all year, so they buy the flowers and candy, and set a reservation at one of the city's most expensive restaurants, all to say, "Honey, I love you." If last Valentine's Day was the last time you took your significant other out to a really nice restaurant, you deserve to be in trouble. And ladies, is this only a one-way street?
Ladies, and men, stop it! It's time to say enough is enough with Valentine's Day. How about men and women loving, caring and sharing the other 364 days a year? February 14 isn't the only time to send flowers to your mate (we wouldn't mind getting a surprise delivery also). It's time that we all take stock of our relationships and learn that we should be loving and fulfilled 365 days a year, and not reduce our affection to flowers, candy, jewelry, clothes and a meal on one day a year. The people who plan their lives around Valentine's are like those who spend more time planning their wedding day rather than planning their marriage. How about dropping her a flower arrangement on May 14? I'm sure he or she would thoroughly enjoy the same in April or September. And on that card write, "Just because..."
1 comment:
You know I adore this post daddy! You are man after my own heart!!!
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